Monday, 19 September 2011

Ann Vriend and David Ross MacDonald, October 8

It's becoming a bit of a tradition. Thanksgiving weekend comes, and we have the good luck of presenting our friend, singer-songwriter David Ross MacDonald. (I won't make any turkey puns)

You may have seen David here, in which case you already know what a stunning songwriter, guitarist and performer he is. He's able to bring you into the musical equivalent of a sacred circle with his songs and his quiet but engaging stage presence.

Here's what David does:

Well, this time David is being joined by a musical friend from Alberta, Ann Vriend. Where David is a guitarist, Ann is a master of the piano; where David is understated, Ann is theatrical; where David's vocal style owes debts to Nick Drake, Ann's will remind you of Dolly Parton or Dusty Springfield.

Here's a taste of Ann's music, from a recent Australian tour:

One thing these two very different performers share is a confident originality. I guarantee you will find joy in the music they make.

Who: David Ross MacDonald and Ann Vriend
Where: the BobCat turkey coop
When: October 8, 2011, 7:00 mingling 8:00 music
What: bring a snack or dessert to share, and a donation to the Ottawa Food Bank if you choose.

Suggested donation $25; as always, 100% of proceeds to the artists.

Let us know when you're coming.

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