Monday, 3 November 2014

NEXT SHOW! Jory Nash returns November 29

Back in January 2010, we just about killed Jory Nash. Well, we stressed him out, by getting him to come and play at the house after driving through a fierce snowstorm. But now, with a new record on the way, we're getting him here (hopefully) before the snow flies!

Jory Nash brings a distinctive voice to his songs -- both as a singer and a writer. He's recorded seven albums to great acclaim and national recognition, and he's toured extensively in Canada and in the United States. He's currently working on album number eight, and he'll have a whole batch of songs from the album to preview for YOU on November 29. Join us, or you'll miss this:

WHO: Jory Nash and at least one hat
WHERE: BobCat Soul House, 214 Northwestern Avenue, Ottawa
WHEN: November 29, mingling from 7, music 8
WHAT: Suggested donation $20, plus feel free to bring your own booze and/or some snacky type of food (and a Food Bank donation, if you feel so inclined)
HOW: You can drop off cash or a cheque at the house, or send an e-transfer via Interac or Paypal to bob dot ledrew at gmail dot com.

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