Saturday, 30 January 2016

Jory Nash at BobCat February 13

February 2007 was the first ever BobCat concert. We rocked the house with Suzie Vinnick and Tony D that night, and since then it's been an endless stream of great music gracing our sunroom.

February is also Cat's birthday, so she always gets the choice of who to have play her "birthday show." Following a sterling string of picks (Good Lovelies, Penny Lang, Jeremy Fisher, Peter Elkas, Amy Campbell...) she has chosen our friend Jory Nash as her 2016 guest.

If Izaak Walton was the "Compleat Angler", then Jory is the Compleat Songwriter. Over the last two decades, he's put out nine CDs that have charted his growth as a songwriter, arranger, musician and singer. 

He's learned the craft of writing and performing diligently, and now he spends a fair amount of time teaching that craft too. AND... he's taken his love and respect for the music of Gordon Lightfoot and turned it into a legendary series of "The Way We Feel" concerts, and now into a CD project that's in the planning stages. 

He's been with us before, but every appearance brings new songs and stories. Don't miss this opportunity. 

WHO: Jory Nash
WHEN: February 13, mingling at 7, music at 8
WHAT: Our SUGGESTED donation is $20; feel free to bring a snack to share and any booze you'd like to consume, and/or a donation to the Ottawa Food Bank  
WHERE: 214 Northwestern Avenue 

And keep these dates in mind for the rest of our spring season!

March 26: Manitoba Hal
May 28: The Donefors 

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