Monday, 26 March 2007

Gogo is gone-gone.

After a VERY cool performance chez BobCat last night, David Gogo is heading back west, first to his BC home and then on to Saskatoon and the Junos, where we will be hoping to toast this first Juno win for best blues album.

His show last night was super. I've never held a 1910 Gibson guitar before. I felt as if Robert Johnson was going to walk in and tell me to put his guitar down. It was that beautiful. And that different from modern guitars.

Some pictures will be going up later today (UPDATE: So it wasn't later today, but they're coming, despite a balky Blogger), but they will likely not convey the passion that David brings to his music... or his great ability at storytelling between songs. From Bob Dylan's "Shooting Star" to his own "She's Breakin' Through" to some fabulous slide work on "Dust My Broom", he can make his instruments (the Gibson, as well as a 1930 National guitar that just sounded ... buttery, rich, and sweet) walk and talk.

Suffice it to say, that if you weren't there, you missed something.

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